Dr. Anil Sachdeva,Founder & CEO,School Of Inspired Learning
"This workshop was conducted at SOIL campus. Feedback from the participants was highly encouraging."
Mr. Sanjay Jha,VP- HR & BE,Mahindra First Choice
"The workshop was outstanding. Provided us with a lot of different perspectives of looking at business problems. I highly recommend this program."
Mr. Vinayak Patankar,Vice President,Borosil Glassworks
"An excellent learning experience. This program is a must for everyone right from senior leadership to entry level management roles."
Mr. Asif Ali,Zonal Manager,India Mart
"It was great program . Made me feel like CEO of a company running my own business and taking strategic decisions. It has given good insight of all the aspects of the business and made us learn a lot."
Mr. Lalit Agarwal, Director, Sales & Marketing Oracle
"It is a good simulation program which provides practical and real time knowledge which is a must. You can correlate it for better understanding."
Mr. Arun Khedwal, Manager, Materials Planning, Fermenta Biotech
"Results and comparison was most useful as that give real picture and analysis of the competitive market scenario. I found the workshop to be very informative."
- Garris, Ahlers, Driskell
- Donald C. Thatcher
- Patricia K.Tompkins